Monday, June 14, 2010

failings and I'm okay with it

It has taken me a while to post again because of my good friend, moral conviction. I'll start this post by telling you what I have learned. . . When life throws a curve ball at you, typically you stick with what is comfortable, not what is right. To clarify, I have been doing well and dieting well for a couple weeks, I had even lost 15 pounds! Yaaaay. Than life threw me a curve ball (also called 8am Spanish class.) Now this isn't any Spanish class. . . this is Spanish class ruled by a tyrant. I am suppose to allot 6 hours a day to my Spanish duties, but that makes my days seem tough. Lets see here, 2 hours of class, 6 hours of homework, 8 hours of work, 1 hour of Jesus, 1 hour of working out and 3 hours eating. . . that puts me at 21 hours of work to do a day and 3 hours of sleep. I can't believe it took me 2 weeks to figure out I can't do that.

So this is the point where I blame me falling off the weight loss train on Spanish, but I can't. I have tried putting this on everything else but I simply can't. Just how Adam tried to put the fall on first Eve and than God; I am thrashing at my circumstances trying to find a grip hold that I can latch my failures to, but with out success. When I come to the realization that it is my fault I'm failing this task is exactly the moment I pick myself up and try again. I have come to the realization that not much in my life has required a great deal of discipline. Life has come easy for me. I have spent most my life getting by on the talent God has given me and the community he has put me in. Instead, I should be willing to be a good steward of that talent and use the self-discipline that God has called me to. This is a hard lesson for me. I've seen myself as a hard worker all my life but being a hard worker and being self-disciplined are two very separate things. I love working hard for three reasons; the benefit of others, if I enjoy it, or if I get paid for it. Self-discipline by definition is none of those. It is for yourself, it is not enjoyable (or everyone would be disciplined), and you don't get paid for it. My motivation needs to be found elsewhere, something more eternal.

Today is a new day. I am up, dusting myself off and ready to fight the good fight again. Life threw me a curve ball, but it isn't what Life throws at you that makes you the person you are, it is how you respond. I quit my job at Rouxbarbeque to allow more time to study. I will not sacrifice Jesus time, working out and sleep anymore. Time to take this serious. I'm up to 248 pounds right now and it is time to do something about it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 1

Yesterday was my first day of implementing my diet and exercise program I have scrutinized over. I have figured out my daily caloric need (found by height weight and age)and based a diet off it. Eating 5 500 calorie meals per day plus two 200 calorie "power block" meals puts me at 2,900 calories per day, which is where I need to be. After measuring how much flax seeds need to be in my Kashi "go lean" cereal I took my first bite into my diet and one thing rings true. I believe I'm going to spend a lot of money at the dentist. It was like chewing cardboard flavored rocks. By the end of the bowl, I got use to it. Tip to those of you who want to try this: wait till the cereal get soggy than start eating, you teeth are worth the wait.

Moving forward for the day, I ate my toasted, dry turkey sandwich and drank water all day. I felt amazing! I had so much energy that when I parked at the mall, I intentionally parked on the opposite side from where I needed to go, so I had to walk the entire distance of the mall! I honestly felt like a million bucks! Eating right wont be this hard, if I feel this energetic all the time. When I got hungry, I drank more water. No need to fear hunger anyway, because I eat every 3 hours. I put my nose in the air to my beloved Taco Bell and moved on.

The most important lesson that I learned today was that wisdom and self-discipline are two different things. For a while I believed that a wise man was self-disciplined and that is still mostly true. That the true sign of an adult was an individual consistently did what he/she had to do over what they wanted to do. I took this into account with my work out regiment. I have committed to 60 days of the self proclaimed hardest workout DVD ever released. Not what I wanted to do but nothing that good ol' will power can over come! False. About half way through my 30 minute fit test I started to have major chest pains. Not the kind that you feel when you know you are getting great cardio, but the kind that forces your body to sit down. Honestly, this shocked me. I'm 22 years old, right? The self-disciplined thing to do now is to stand up and keep working. The wise thing to do is to stop. I caught my breath but my chest did not stop hurting. I realized maybe it wasn't the wisest thing to do this program. I have not stepped foot into a gym in 4 years and I tried an extremely tough program. It is time to re-evaluate my exercises. I'm going to ease into health and try not to shock my body. I will continue to push myself, but push it in a healthy way. I'm also going to visit the heart doctor soon. I have had a couple scares in the past and I can't be too cautious about it. I have realized that I have not committed to the Insanity work out system for 60 days, but rather, health for a lifetime. Let God's plan reign! Not mine!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Every Journey Has a Beginning

Every journey must start somewhere. My journey starts on the scale in my parent's bathroom. After being sick of my jeans not fitting and looking at new pictures tagged of myself on facebook, I realize I have a problem. It isn't a problem that is going to be fixed with ease. I stepped on the scale today and it read 239 pounds. 239 pounds! That puts my BMI at 32.4, which is well into the obesity range. I know the BMI scale is flawed but it does show that I have a problem. I am overweight. I need your help. Follow my journey as I begin to loose weight and learn what Christ teaches me along the way. Support me by commenting, calling, or even working out with me. Today is a new day in my life. I know that I will probably never reach my high school wrestling weight at 171, but I know with Christ I can return to a safe, healthy weight. Here is how it is going to happen . . .

1.) prayer
nothing in life is done in the absence of prayer. Communication with Jesus Christ will provide me with strength.
2.) accountability
I will have a weakly blog post where I will post what I did during the week, how I feel, and how much weight I have lost. This is where you come in. I need you all to comment when I post and call me if I don't! I will try to make this as exciting as possible.
3.) the plan
I will be doing intense cardio with the DVD work out plan Insanity. Made by the same guys that made p90x. Should be . . . well. . . Insane.
4.) smart choices
Dieting makes it sounds like I am taking something away. Instead, I will make smart choices and smaller portions when I eat.

Thank you for reading this and I will post every Wednesday. Here is a "before" photo. More to come